プライバシー・ポリシー(Privacy Policy)



  1. 個人情報の取り扱いについては、社内規程に基づき、また、組織体制を整備し、個人情報の適切な保護に努めております。
  2. 個人情報を取得する際には、利用目的、お客様に対する当社の窓口をお知らせし、必要な範囲で取得します。
  3. 個人情報を利用目的の範囲内で利用するとともに、適切な方法で管理し、法令により認められている場合を除き、予め承諾を得た第三者以外には開示、提供を致しません。
  4. 個人情報を正確かつ最新の状態に保ち、個人情報への不正アクセス、紛失、破壊、改ざん及び漏えい等を防止するための措置を講じます。
  5. 個人情報の取り扱いを外部へ委託する場合には、適切な安全管理が図られるよう契約により義務づけ、必要かつ適切な監督を実施します。
  6. 「プライバシー・ポリシー」に基づき、当社の役職員に対し適切な教育を実施し、個人情報保護意識の徹底を図ります。
  7. 個人情報の取り扱いに関して適用される法令、ガイドライン、その他の規範を遵守するとともに、個人情報の安全管理措置及び上記各項における方針を適宜見直し、改善していきます。
取締役 兼 企画総括部長
藤 和恒



  1. 個人情報の利用目的

    • 当社の商品・サービスをお客様にご提供するため

    • 当社の商品・サービスに関する情報をお客様にご提供するため

    • 新しい商品・サービスの研究及び開発のため

  2. 個人情報の第三者への提供
  3. 安全管理措置
  4. 個人情報の取り扱いの委託
  5. 個人情報の共同利用
    当社は、以下に定める共同利用の目的の範囲内において、お客様の個人情報を、以下のとおり共同利用いたします。 

    • 共同利用する個人データの項目: 会社情報名、所属、職位、氏名、住所、電話番号、FAX番号、メールアドレス

    • 共同利用する者の範囲 : 住友商事株式会社 及び 住友商事グループ会社の内、一覧に記載する会社(詳細については、リンク先の一覧をご覧ください)⇒共同利用する者の一覧(PDF)

    • 利用する者の利用目的 : 当社及び住友商事株式会社の事業に関連した商品・サービス及びそれらに関する情報をお客様にご提供するため並びに新しい商品・サービスの研究及び開発のため

    • 個人データの管理について責任を有する者:住友商事グローバルリサーチ株式会社

  6. 法令遵守及び方針の見直し
  7. 商品・サービス毎の個人情報の取り扱いについて
  8. 個人情報の開示、訂正及び利用停止等について

住友商事グローバルリサーチ株式会社 個人情報お問い合わせ窓口
住友商事グローバルリサーチ株式会社 企画総括部



  1. アクセス履歴
  2. クッキー(Cookie)の使用について
  3. 他のサイトにおける個人情報の取り扱い

Privacy Policy

Sumitomo Corporation Global Research Co. Ltd. recognizes the importance of personal information. Accordingly, we have implemented the following measures.

  1. We shall utilize appropriate means to protect personal information in accordance with our company rules and organizational systems.
  2. When collecting personal information, we will inform the customer of the intended purpose and our contact information. Such information will be acquired only to the extent necessary.
  3. We will utilize personal information solely for the intended purpose, and handle such personal information in an appropriate manner. We will not disclose personal information to any third parties other than those for which advance permission has been obtained, except in cases where such disclosure is legally permitted.
  4. We shall endeavor to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date, and shall take measures to prevent the illegal access to, or the loss, destruction, falsification or leakage of personal information.
  5. In the event that we entrust the handling of personal information, we shall obligate entrusted person to seek appropriate security control for personal information according to contract and we shall exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over such entrusted person.
  6. We shall give sufficient instructions to our directors, officers and employees to inform them of the importance of the protection of personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
  7. We shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, guidelines and any other standards with regard to the handling of personal information, and shall periodically review and improve our security control actions of personal information and policy as provided above.
June 24, 2024
Kazuhisa Fuji
Director and General Manager/ Planning & Administration Dept.
Sumitomo Corporation Global Research Co. Ltd.

Policy on Handling of Customer Personal Information

Recognizing the importance of personal information provided by customers (hereinafter "Customer's Personal Information"), we, Sumitomo Corporation Global Research Co. Ltd., manage this information as described below to handle it properly.

  1. Purposes for utilization of personal information
    We utilize Customer's Personal Information within the necessary scope for achieving the following purposes. We will not utilize Customer's Personal Information for purposes other than the following without the advance consent of the customer. 

    • For provision to customers of our products and services

    • For provision to customers of information about our products and services

    • For research and development leading to new products and services

  2. Provision of personal information to a third party
    We will not, except in cases where legally permitted, provide Customer's Personal Information to a third party without the advance consent of the customer.
  3. Security Control Action
    We shall take actions to keep Customer's Personal Information accurate and up-to-date, and to prevent illegal access to the Customer's Personal Information as well as loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage.
  4. Entrusting the handling of Customer's Personal Information
    In the event that we entrust the handling of Customer's Personal Information, we shall obligate such entrusted person to take appropriate security control according to contract and we shall exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over such entrusted person.
  5. Jointly utilizing of personal information
    We will jointly utilize the Customer's Personal Information as indicated below, within the scope of the purposes for such jointly utilization stipulated below. 

    • Personal data that can be jointly utilized: Company name, affiliation, position, name, address, telephone number, fax number, email address

    • Person who can jointly utilize: Sumitomo Corporation And Sumitomo Corporation Group companies indicated on the linked list. (PDF)

    • Purpose for the person who jointly utilize: For provision to customers of products and services related to our business and of information about those products and services, and for research and development of new products and services

    • Name or appellation of person responsible for controlling the jointly utilized personal data: Sumitomo Corporation Global Research Co. Ltd.

  6. Observance of laws and review of policies
    We shall observe all applicable laws, regulations, guidelines and any other standards related to the handling of Customer's Personal Information, and shall periodically review and improve our policies as provided above.
  7. Handling of personal information specific to products and services
    We may in some cases separately stipulate handling of Customer's Personal Information, such as purpose for utilization, individually for specific products or services provided by us.
  8. Disclosure, correction, and ceasing utilization of personal information
    When requests are made by customers for disclosure, correction, or ceasing use of their own personal information, we shall endeavor to handle the requests properly and promptly upon confirming the identity of the customer. Please note that in response to such requests for disclosure, etc., we may ask the customer to present documentation confirming identity (driver license, passport, etc.).

    Please use the contact information below for making requests to us for disclosure, etc. of Customer's Personal Information, as well as for inquiries involving complaints or consultation.
Sumitomo Corporation Global Research Co. Ltd. Personal Information Inquiries
Planning & Administration Dept., Sumitomo Corporation Global Research Co. Ltd.
2-3-2 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Click here to make inquiries via the web.

Handling of Personal Information on This Website

  1. Access logs
    A record of accesses to this site is automatically kept in access logs. This is done solely for statistically analyzing use of this site for the purpose of improving site usability. No customer's personal information is stored in the logs.
  2. Use of cookies
    We make use of cookies on some web pages. A cookie is a function that sends data from a web server to the user's browser and then references the data. It is not used to collect customer's personal information. The user's browser can be set not to accept cookies.
  3. Handling of personal information on other websites
    We cannot be responsible for personal information protection by other sites linked to from this site. Please confirm the policies of each site.